Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Learning Experience

     After listening to McKibben's podcast, and taking the bioregional quiz many questions regarding life around the planet come up. The quiz asks questions regarding the planet with questions asking about what types of grass and trees are around, where food and water come from, and other questions. These questions lead to more questions, where does food and sources of water come from? The quiz leads to many questions that help lead to investigation to answer thee questions. The podcast added to that yearn to investigate, in the podcast McKibben discusses how the world around has changed. The podcast ties in with the quiz because the quiz asks questions that would have been easily answered in the past. The new and current world does not care what kind of grass sidewalks are laid down on or where exactly the food found on the plate comes from. A lot can be taken from the combination of both the quiz and podcast, one of the big pieces being the realization that Earth has indeed greatly changed, and that the Earth is viewed differently then the past.
     One thing is for certain the combination of the quiz and podcast is an "eye-opener" in the fact that the combination questions the general view of the planet Earth. How much does the average person know about the food on the table, or the water in the cup, or the area around the shelter. The way the quiz describes the average person is that the average person would not be able to survive very long in the natural wilderness. Clear changes have occurred, the average person has forced themselves to become dependent on the current living style, there is no going back to a more natural lifestyle without serious changes that would have to occur over a large period of time.

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