Monday, November 12, 2012

Beginning Surveys

This weekend I started to conduct research about my thesis regarding a social science theory. I am conducting research regarding how students transition from the lifestyle they lived back home surrounded by family and friends who know the pre college students for a long period of time to their current situation of being in college for about three months. Surrounded by new people who are still learning about the students personality, has the students personality from home changed based on what their new friends may or may not think about them? Has a new college students personality changed after leaving the norm of home life?

Since this past weekend was a large event at my college, I started off my survey with students from other campuses. This week I hope to have surveyed students of my college.

The survey was conducted through email asking to answer the questions under them. The survey varied but it clear that many students have noticed small changes in their behavior after the survey. It was important to most students to "start off on the right foot" with their new friends. It was clear that it was important to impress new friends and talk about what they would do back home.

Another interesting note that was made was almost all of the students that I talked to feel this awkward feeling when talking to their parents about their plans. Students still have an urge to ask for permission but at the same time state what they are doing because as college students living on their own they feel like they can do what they want. The urge to ask permission is interesting to point out.


  1. It seems as though you have everything planned out. Your research seems to be moving along also. The only question I have is what theory are you using?

  2. Cool topic, you seem to have everything under control. What field of study are you using?
