Thursday, September 27, 2012

What's Up With All This Fracking?

     The Environmental Protection Agency has found contamination in local ground water in Wyoming. The contaminated water was tested and studied and many of the pollutants were likely caused during drilling for gas. The chemicals involved with drilling and pumping gas is generally refereed to as fracking chemicals. This is a very big deal and will more then likely prove how dangerous this practice really is and how much more careful drillers have to be. This is simply the first case to come up, soon more will most likely be found and government officials will set new laws regarding this practice.
     This incident will only prove the point environmental activists have been making about the drilling dangers. Not only has it harmed the environment but now society. Researchers are currently investigating and testing the surrounding area of where the contaminated water has been found. Odd smells and dirty water were just the beginning and most testing will be done to test the true dangers of these spills. Researchers will be testing to see what other problems have been caused due to fracking and just how dangerous it is.
     The drilling company seriously needs to take into consideration how serious these side effects and and how society could be effected. It goes far beyond unclean water, the cement walls used for well monitors were falling apart. These chemicals are very powerful and could easily cause serious harm or death to humans or the environment as a whole. The drilling company is to blame and must be shown the severity of their actions and laws be made to avoid these kind of contaminations.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Animal Awareness

     The image shows a bear clearly trapped in the hands of a clock. The caption in the top left corner states that every sixty seconds a species dies out. The caption provides insight so that the images purpose is more clear. The bear is trapped in time and as the clock runs slowly the bear runs out of time and is killed. The bear is clearly struggling which can be seen by the blood on the bottom paws and claw marks by the bears front paws. As time runs out the bear is more then likely killed or dies by unnatural causes that message is clear the the struggling bear. The image was edited with technology to make a point and technology is also how the image is being spread around the world so that the message may be known. This blog would be one example of technology spreading awareness with technology..

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Themes Continue

Gary Synder is concerned for the future, and that is evident in his poems located towards the end of Turtle Island. In the sections such as "For the Children" Gary discusses his ideas for change in the future for the children. He has all of this ideas for the future to benefit the lives of the children and hopefully they can live a more sustainable life so hopefully in time their children can also continue a sustainable life. Multiple poems from this section all revolve around the same theme. Gary Snyder clearly discusses his ideas for the future, but continues to discuss that this is for the children, hoping that we would change so that the next generation and our children can live in a healthy environment and lifestyle. If we don't things could go badly and lifestyle would change as resources deplete and everything falls apart.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reoccurring Themes of Gary Snyder

     After reading a handful of poems written by Gary Snyder in the collection of hi writings found in the Book Titled "Turtle Island" I realized how connected to the world around him Gary seems to be. In his poem "No Matter, Never Mind" he maps out a very detailed an intertwined family tree of the world and how he sees that it is all connected in one way or another. I thought it was very interesting how it was mapped out. I flipped a few pages and looked for a longer poem and found "On San Gabriel Ridges" where once again I saw the pattern of connection. Gary starts off writing about his dreams of country but ends up stating that his thoughts are "woven into the dark. Squirrel hairs..." He is using analogies that are very odd to me and I have never heard anything like it. Lastly I read "For the Children" which discussed children of two different places meeting for peace, if it was established a connection between the children and the land.
     The three poems connect everything, each time I re-read one of the poems I find myself seeing a different connection. There are a lot of undertones and can understand why Gary Snyder is studied and his works analyzed.